Driving range, lunch with Philip, Mickey’s party, Shadow ride

Okay, now that Friday is upon us, I guess I’ll go ahead and post an update on what we did last weekend.

Ummmmmm… Hang on, let me go ask Elise.

Okay, I’m back. That was funny. We both had to stare at each other with our heads tilted to collectively recollect what we did 5 days ago. I said “collectively recollect”.

Elise and I went to a coworkers house in Cedar Park after work. She had a birthday party. I didn’t get a sip of my scotch in before I was overwhelmed with eBay and website questions. The night progressed quickly while we listened to AC/DC tapes. Elise and I stayed up too late.

We woke up relatively early on Saturday. Before I hopped in the shower, I woke Elise up and told her she’d better get moving if she was going to make it to the sale at Kohl’s. Elise went to Kohl’s for undergarments. I can’t seem to bring myself to writing Elise and lingerie in the same sentence without feeling compelled to charge a membership fee for this site. Damn, I already did. Okay, now send me some money.

I stayed in and ripped CDs. Elise came home around noon. Philip came over. We went for pizza at the Austin Pizza Garden (again). Good pizza. Philip scanned my MP3 collection and I burned a few CDs for him.

We stayed in most of the afternoon. We walked to the driving range by our apartments late in the afternoon. That was fun. We looked like a couple goofs lobbing balls a few feet in front of us with what we thought was much style and grace. I really want to make that a weekend ritual. We just swung our clubs, talked, laughed at ourselves and swapped praise when one actually hit a ball correctly.

We stayed in on Saturday night seeing how we had spent $7.00 on a bucket of golf balls.

Elise got up on Sunday and went to church. I practiced my religion by hopping on the trusty Shadow and making a couple runs on Lime Creek Road. On the way, I met up with a guy and his girlfriend who were riding a Honda VFR. Made me want a sport bike (even more).

I came home and ripped some more CDs. Elise got home from church and we hopped on the bike again. We went to Best Buy to look at MP3 players. I don’t know why. We then rode around scenic parts of town before we stopped at Jo’s on S. Congress. There was a flock of people about. Good thing about having a motorcycle: ample parking. We did the trendy thing and both had an iced half caf coffee frappuccino mocha latte choco espressoccino something. I think I drink coffee once a year. I reckon coffee makes me a little nervous. mmmmhhhmmm.

We walked up and down Congress. We just window shopped and browsed. That was pretty much our weekend.

This week has consisted of work and doing stuff on the computers at home. I decided to ditch the home network. I took the 30gb hard drive out of Elise’s computer and stuck it in mine. I’m going to load it with MP3s. Hooowaahahahahaha.

Spring began three hours ago. I’m happy now.

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