Riding down Slaughter with Mars

I taught Maly how to make my salsa recipe.
Which is really quite a simple list of ingredients (the trick is fire roasted tomatoes).
I taught Mara how to make beef jerky.
I taught Maly how to drive a stick shift.
We got a trampoline!
We celebrated Maly’s 14th birthday with a drive-by birthday party.
I ran every single street in our neighborhood.
We celebrated Mara’s 8th birthday with a drive-by birthday party.
Elise made cakes for neighbors for their birthdays.
Elise built a retaining wall in the backyard.
Maly and I ran the Austin Sunshine Run Virtual 5K.
Despite not wanting to, I finally bought a new iPhone.
That takes really good photos.
We witnessed the metamorphosis of caterpillars turning into painted lady butterflies.