An overdue email to my Dad

I was checking all of my email addresses on my host’s web panel tonight and took note of an email address that I had setup for my Dad four years ago.

It was at that point where I lost it.

I regained my composure long enough to write an email to my Dad.

I checked his inbox.  There were two spam emails.  There were 8 emails from our family friend, Don.  There was one email from his son, letting him know that he loved him and missed him.

I’m going to leave those messages there for him so maybe he can read them some day.

Monday marked six months since he died.

I miss you, Dad.

Weekend wrap up

This weekend was a lot of fun but flew by way too quickly. On Friday night I came home from work just before Elise and Maly got home. Elise stopped at Whole Foods on the way home from picking up her packet for the Capitol 10k and bought sushi for us for dinner. We fed Maly a regular dinner, but decided to see if she liked sushi. I’d venture to say she really liked it.

On Saturday Elise photographed a wedding with Marc. Maly and I quickly packed up and hit the road. Our mission: to find a bicycle trailer so I can take her on bike rides with me. I had been shopping them on craigslist all week and realized that I could buy a brand new one for what I was finding on craigslist. I went to InStep’s website to find that Toys ‘R’ Us and Target were retailers. We went to Toys ‘R’ Us because I wanted a bike trailer and because I knew I could position myself to totally spoil my daughter. No bike trailers so we decided to leave. I had picked out a really cute denim dress with embroidered cherries and matching body suit for Maly, but decided to suppress compulsive purchases and just leave the store and continue on with our mission. I happened upon a little beach basket for Jack to take with him on his summer trip to San Diego and decided I couldn’t pass that up. So we had to endure the Saturday line at Toys ‘R’ Us.

Maly and I walked across the parking lot to Play It Again Sports where we found a bicycle trailer for $200. It was the same one that I found on InStep’s website for $150. And the one at PIAS wasn’t even in a box. Earlier, a Toys ‘R’ Us employee tipped me off on a bicycle shop on S. 1st that might carry trailers. We went to support the local guy only to find a trailer for $200. We loaded up again and headed to Target where I found a great Schwinn trailer for just over $100. Maly and I came home and started assembling the trailer just before Elise got home from her shoot. Once I was done with that, we went for a test ride.

Later that evening I cooked dinner for Rob, Julie, Elise and myself. I smoked salmon filets and made a dijon butter sauce and a basil and cilantro chimichurri. Elise roasted some fresh vegetables with course cracked pepper and rosemary.

On Sunday Maly and I woke up early, scarfed down breakfast and left to meet Rob, Luke and Jaden to watch Elise and Julie run the Capitol 10k. We had a great time watching the girls and the rest of the runners. Rob and I were really proud of our wives who have been running together for the past several weeks to 1) get in shape and make Rob and me look like wimps and 2) to help Elise train for the Danskin triathlon this summer.

After the race we took the kids over to Run Tex to play on the bouncy things and to see if we could win some door prizes. Elise won a pair of jogging shorts and a water bottle. Woot!!! Score!

We left the after party and stopped at Pluckers for some much needed and very healthy buffalo wings. Elise and Maly played after lunch while I gutted the flower gardens in the front yard in preparation for our landscaping overhaul. I then took Maly for another bike ride. We really like the new trailer. I’m hoping to get into shape and to show her the proper way in which to consume canker worms.

Elise and Maly went to church while your humble narrator removed the guest bathroom toilet and cleaned/replaced the wax ring that seals the toilet flange. Fun stuff, let me tell ya’.

It was a good weekend and I look forward to more of them now that Spring has sprung and my little Sugar can go out and do fun things with us.

Monthly Maly Letter: Month 11

Dear Maly,

You turned 11-months-old today. Despite my efforts, I can’t seem to stop time. It’s seems like just yestereday you turned 10-months-old. In another month, you’ll be a year old. I’m really good with math like that. When you experience something in life that is known as “algebra”, we’ll take a family vacation.

As I write this, you are in your crib in your room, crying. Your Mom is out with her friends for their monthly girls night out. You and I played, you ate dinner, I bathed you, brushed your hair and put you down after walking around the house with you in my arms – just like when you were a newborn and I would walk you around the house and talk to you so you would fall asleep. It brought back fond memories holding you with my left arm and using my right had to cup the side of your head while playing with your hair with my thumb. You seemed tired, so I put you down in your crib and, with super hero gusto, bolted for the door and closed it behind me before you noticed I was gone. It seemed like you would fall asleep immediately but you stirred a few minutes later. I think you miss your Mom.

You’re becoming such a little person now. You easily feed yourself and you like everything that we give you to eat. You’re really starting to interact and talk to us now. You’re such a smart little girl, too. You know what the ceiling fan is, you know what the light is, you know what Mom’s and my nose and eyes are, you know what kitties are as well.

You also know that I get mad when you hit me in the face. I don’t think you understand what “mad” is, but rather, you know hitting in the face gets a reaction so apparenty that’s fun to you. We’re working on this hitting thing. I told you that I was a second degree blackbelt but that didn’t seem to phase you. When you’re able to stand more than ten seconds on your own, we can start sparring and I’ll show you what’s up. Seriously, it’s one of those things that babies do and your Mom and I have to figure out how to be good parents and fix your little slappy happy habit.

You caught a really nasty cold while on a road trip to Oklahoma with your Mom, John, Christine, Jack and Grayson. When your Mom and you came back home, you were horribly miserable. Your eyes were red and you could only open them 3/4 of the way. You were so weak and worn out. Your nose kept running and you had a nasty cough. I felt so bad for you and wished I could have fixed your hurts for you. Your Mom took you to the doctor where you were prescribed antibiotics and ear drops because the doctor thought you had an ear infection.

Your Mom and you took the prescription in to the pharmacy and went home. I came home from work to see you sad and sick. I went to the pharmacy to pick up your medicine. While waiting in line, I fought back tears. I hated that you were sick. I hated that my little girl was feeling so bad and there was nothing that I could do to fix it. I didn’t like thinking that we were going to have to give you antibiotics after we’ve been so good about feeding you the right foods and were vigilent in not giving you anything synthetic.

You’re feeling 100% better now and I’m so happy to have my little girl back to normal. You’re spunky and excited about everything again and EVERYTHING that you point to is a “Doh, doh, doh!!!” You’re too cute.

Your hair is getting longer and longer and it’s so beautiful. I’m jealous. Believe me when I tell you that I once had hair. Your hair is such a beautiful golden blonde. I love to play with it while your distracted playing with your toys. I always thought I’d shave a mohawk on my child’s head because I’m weird like that, but now I would never dream of doing anything with your hair. It’s so gorgeous and I can’t wait until it gets even longer so your Mom can laugh at me because I wholeheartedly tried to put your hair into pigtails but end up with a mash of hair above your forehead and another behind your right ear.

I can’t believe that in one month you’ll be a year old. In twenty years, you’ll still be my little girl. I love you so much and never thought that it was humanly possible to cherish someone other than your Mom as much. I’m so proud that you’re from such a loving family. I’m so proud of you.

I love you so much. My chest swells when I look at you and hear your giggle. I’m so thankful for you and I promise that I will do everything that I can do to make you giggle, keep you from getting sick or feeling hurt and teach you to love the way that I love you.

I love you, Sugar.



Actual conversation with our next door neighbor

“If you ever throw a FUDGING flashlight at my FUDGING cat again, I will FUDGING kill you.”

My wife is FUDGING awesome!

So… I had to play diplomat and introduce ourselves to the next door neighbor, who is renting the house from the owners, who we actually know and like.  The conversation went something like this:

“Hey, let’s bury the hatchet (otherwise my wife will FUDGING kill you).  We’re long-since overdue in introducing ourselves and would like to be friendly”.

Our effort was well received and the cat is safe right now.  I think.


Elise, Maly, John, Christine, Jack and Grayson all drove to Irving on Friday, stayed with Christine’s parents that night and then drove up to Oklahoma on Saturday. John, Christine and the boys went to OK City for Christine’s Grandma’s 95th birthday and Elise and Maly went to Okeene to visit Elise’s Grandma as well as a fraction of the Boeckman uncle, aunts and cousins. Yours truly stayed here in Austin and endulged in some “me” time.

On Friday I went out with some coworkers for drinks at the bar at the Stephen F. Austin Intercontinental Hotel. I got home around 8 and played Scarface on the Xbox. Scarface isn’t really a game you should play if you have a wife sitting in the same room who might make note that every other word said is, “f#*k” or “cockaroacha”. Or a game you should play if you have an 10-month-old daughter whose first words, if exposed to said game, might be, “Tsay ello do my leedle fren!!!”

On Saturday I slept in really late. I woke up and decided it was time to treat the deck with water sealant. The last time I did that, I got really high. And then we had to drive to the hospital to have a baby. Ugghh.

This time I wore a mask but still managed to unintentionally get a little stoned. It’s hard to spray water sealant up without some of it coming down.

A trip back to the ol’ HoPot and another gallon of water sealant and the job was done. And then it was back to making coke deals as Tony Montana on the Xbox for the rest of the night.

On Sunday I got my haircut, fertilized the flowerbeds and garden, watered the lawn, cooked a Thai basil soup and then sold drugs as Tony Montana on the Xbox.

I rushed home from work on Monday in time to meet Elise and Maly after returning home from their trip to Oklahoma. I gave Maly a bath and played with her for a while before it was time for her to go to bed.

I played with Maly for an hour on Tuesday morning before my girls were off again. Elise drove to Mom’s house to drop Maly off so she could go on a photo shoot with Marc.

Elise and Maly and supposed to come either tomorrow or Friday. In the meantime, I’ve been building my empire, buying and selling cocaine, driving expensive cars and saying cockaroacha by night all while missing my girls.

Mom sent this photo today of Maly helping in the courtyard. Maly’s starting to stand on her own. I miss my little Sugar.

Yeah, it’s really big

My Lacie d2 Big Disk Extreme was delivered yesterday. 1TB. That’s 1,000GB. This thing is awesome. I can store and backup EVERYTHING. I don’t even think anymore. When a thought comes to me, I don’t even bother processing it, I just throw it at this harddrive and am done with it.

What’s funny though is that I’ll bet it won’t take too long to fill it up with photos and videos.

What’s even more funny is that I’ll bet by Christmas we will be seeing 1TB thumbdrives.