Donnie Darko, Alamo Drafthouse, Trooper was broken into

Our weekend went pretty well. On Friday evening, we just took it easy at home. Our friend Victor came over and we just watched the tube and had pizza.

On Saturday, I woke up early and put some stuff on eBay. Victor came and scooped me up and we went over to our friend Tommy’s house to watch boxing on HBO On Demand. Tommy grabbed this time of economic hardship by the throat and landed a job as a financial analyst in the marketing department of Time Warner. One of Tommy’s perks is getting free digital cable and Roadrunner (broadband internet connection).

That night, El and I went to see Donnie Darko. Um… Um… Um… We both liked the movie a lot, but I know I’m going to have to watch it a couple more times. It’s been almost 24 hours since we left the theatre and I’m still trying to figure it out. They had a special screening of Donnie Darko at the Alamo Drafthouse. Said movie won some awards at the Sundance Film Festival in 2001 and is scheduled to be released on video next month.

So, we came home and went to bed. This afternoon, El kissed me as she was leaving to go to work, 2 minutes later, she comes storming back in screaming that her truck was broken into.

Sometime early this morning, someone broke the right rear passenger window (not the actual window, but that small ‘triangular’ window), reached in, unlocked and opened the door. The culprits broke her CD player. That’s all they did. So, we’re pretty upset about that. El still had to go to work, so I had to wait for the Crime Scene Investigation unit to come and take fingerprints. Then I spent 2 hours cleaning shattered glass out of the inside of the truck.

Now we’re going to have to scrape up whatever we can to get the glass replaced… uh!! It never seems to end. We’re going to have to wait a while before we can replace her CD player too. I guess El can practice on her singing while driving in the meantime!

El was pretty upset about having to move because of my new job, but I think she’s becoming more okay with the notion of leaving this place! Speaking of apartment dwelling, be sure to check out if you live in an apartment. There, you can rate the apartments in which you’ve lived, and read others’ comments from various apartments nationwide. Here’s one of my reviews of our current complex.

Having said all that, I think I’m going to go catch some basketball on the old tele and just take it easy. I have to get up and haul on out to Temple tomorrow to take my physical for Scott & White.

Elise’s first post to

Happy Mother’s Day!

This is Elise authoring this entry by-the-way. That’s right! This is my first official entry on!

Josh and I traveled to Mom and Dad Janicek’s house this weekend. We had a nice time (as we always do). It really is nice to get out of the city and into the country. I love being able to see the stars. I know it isn’t nice to brag, but I feel so fortunate that I have such wonderful parent-in-laws. (And no, I’m not trying to suck-up. I’m just speaking from my heart.)

We had quite an action-packed weekend. Saturday, Josh and David hauled a bunch of furniture and odds and ends to a consignment shop in New Ulm (about 7 miles away). When they got back it was time to “work the cows”. This entails rounding them up into a pen, one-by-one into a shoot, trapping them in the shoot, squirting anti-worm medicine on their backs and then releasing them out the gate. (David also had to tag a couple of them.) This is pretty much a four or five person job. I’d say the four of us pretty much have our system down so to keep things interesting we traded jobs this time. I usually work the gate, but I personally prefer being in the pen helping to shoo the cows into the shoot and trapping them there. Other than all of the mushy piles to avoid, it’s quite fun.

Today I learned to shoot a shotgun. I first shot a .22 rifle last fall, also at Mom & Dad J.’s, but today I shot a 20 gauge and a 12 gauge. We shot at clay pigeons and I hit 4 or 5. This was not so much out of skill as it was luck because I think my 4 or 5 hits were out of 15 or 20 attempts. It was fun and worth the proud look on my husband’s face…or maybe it was amusement. I think he’s trying to make a cowgirl out of me. I do feel that I’m ready for my big belt buckle, or cowboy hat.

I also have a new hobby to learn. Janice and I started talking about afghan blankets and I told her that I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet. She pulled out a bunch of books and magazines on crocheting and gave me a couple of them, and she gave me a needle and a ball of yarn so I can practice. I really hope I learn how to do it because it’s one of the items on my “lifetime list of things I want to do”. Sorry Josh, looks like the housewife thing is starting to look more appealing (see May 9th entry). Just kidding. I promise I’ll keep it to an evening task.

Okay, that’s about it. I’m sorry the reading is long, but it is my first entry…eh…who am I kidding? I’m never at a lack for words am I?

– Elise

Marketing Advisory Council

Not a whole lot to report today. I’m doing a lot of site development research for… hmmmmm.

Today, David and I spoke at a Marketing Advisory Counsel meeting – we both agreed that it went quite well. We introduced our design ideas for the new Scott & White website.

A couple of years ago, my Mom gave us a plant called 4 o’clock. I just went outside and this thing has grown exponentially since yesterday. I’ll try to post a picture of it everyday so you can see its progress. It has really pretty flowers that bloom every day (around 4 p.m. – duh!)

Bruckbauer\’s, John & Christine\’s house, Ft. Worth Stockyards

Last night El and I went to Bruckbauer’s for pizza, beer and to watch the NBA semifinals… what a combo!

This past weekend we went up to Ft. Worth to visit John & Christine. It was really good to get away for a while. I think we were really avoiding unpacking.

While in Ft. Worth, we went to the stockyards, did some window shopping and ate bbq. Johnny and I looked like a couple hillbillies eating the $9.99 all-you-can-eat beef ribs. Then we went back to their house and played PS2 for most of the night.

Sunday we all got up late and at kolaches. Then we tried to go to the Mayfest, but they wouldn’t let us in because we brought Wesley along (Engler’s dog).

And, I would like to take this space to apologize to anyone who has been offended by what I write on my site – I’ll try to censor myself better next time…


Today I started (more like restarted) teaching myself php and mysql. I’m thinking about dumping into a database. Hmmmmm… I have to figure out why my home network isn’t working (again). El’s computer can see my computer, but her computer can’t get online. Man, it never ends.

Tomorrow El and I are going to Ft. Worth to visit John & Christine. I’m sure Johnny and I will be geeking out in front of a computer or the PS2. We used to be cool!

I talked to John a few times on the phone today – he’s helping me figure out all this database-driven website stuff. He told me he had to go so he could clean house. They’re cleaning house for us! I think that’s funny. They should see our place!

Back in high school, John and I would hang out on his mom’s porch. We’d sit there for hours and hours and hours, just talking about life. I really miss those days.

Applebee’s not so good

Elise and I just got back from Applebee’s. Now I think I’m sick – seriously.

I’ve been to Applebee’s three times now – Once in Brenham, once in Austin, and now in Temple. The first time I went, I was with Philip and Amanda and I got nachos. Can’t really screw up nachos.

Second time I went, it was El, Cody, Victor and myself. I had fajitas – not really good. Bland and dry.

Today we went to the Applebee’s in Temple. I had a hamburger, thinking: “You can’t really screw up a hamburger.” This hamburger was fubar – completely burnt to a crisp. I didn’t take visual notice – I had to find out by nearly cracking a tooth. I’m not kidding when I say burnt to a crisp. I don’t know how the hell my plate made it out of the kitchen.

I immediately sent it back. I’m not usually like that. I’m usually quiet and non-confrontational. If my food sucks, I’ll eat the crap, pay and never go back. I had to say something this time though. The waiter was cool and apologetic. He said he’d get me a new burger immediately. Half and hour later, the manager came and kneeled beside me. I told him to get our check. He said he’d go back to the kitchen and personally get my burger and he’d comp both of our meals.

I got another burger long after El was done with her chicken fajita wraps. My burger was dry as a bone. We should have just gotten our check and ran. Anyway, we got a free lunch out of it. Kinda funny though… you get to eat at a place for free to determine that you’ll never go there again.

I need to go lay down… I don’t feel so hot.

My wife

I have the best wife in the world. I came home from work and just went and laid on the bed. El came and laid over me with her arm across my body. She went on to tell me about a blanket she used to have when she was a little girl. She would suck her thumb and run her finger back and forth across the bridge of her nose with a little frayed and balled up piece of blanket in between.

She said she felt content with that blanket – she had everything she needed at that time. She told me tonight that she felt the same way with me. I don’t think she’ll ever understand how much that means to me. I just looked at her and smiled and told her that I loved her.

Elise is done moving us from Austin

Happy May Day. As of today, El is done moving us up from Austin. I can tell she’s exhausted. AND – she’s getting even skinnier! She called yesterday and told me she’s lost even more weight. I’m really proud of her!

So, to celebrate we went to an all-you-can-eat Chinese food buffet. Usually I frown upon buffets, but this food was awesome. And they had EVERYTHING. Too bad I can’t remember the name of the place. They have four huge buffet lines with everything you could imagine. They even had raw oysters, mussels, king crab legs, pizza, crawfish, and your normal Chinese fare. It was awesome. We’re going to have to avoid that place if we want to stay healthy.

Now everyone has an excuse to visit!

I did my first fire marshal inspection today – such a rewarding job – I just wish they’d get me my fireman’s hat!

Not a whole lot else going on – I need to watch some basketball.

Oh yeah… I get to drive (more like race [wink]) a BMW Z3 3.0i Roadster. I’m driving on May 15th at 4pm to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. I’m looking forward to testing this baby out, but more importantly, I’m excited that I get to help out such a great foundation. Look for the video later this month!

Job is starting to suck, fire marshal

Today went by really quickly, much to my surprise. Elise is in Austin (again) cleaning the old apartment. I really appreciate her doing that for us. I think I’ll take her on a date this weekend.

My friend and coworker, Luciana has been going through the same thing as me. Her and her husband moved to Killeen from Los Angeles because he (Will) is in the Army. He was sent to Colorado earlier this month for training and support. So she’s been spouseless for a month. She told me that he got back today. She said they were going to go do something special tonight.

I had a really good conversation with my boss today. I just needed to let off some steam and talk to someone. My boss is a really cool woman – it’s good to have someone like that in a professional environment – someone you can trust and confide in.

I’ve been playing this putt-putt game… a good time killer. Thank you everybody for sending me your scores – yes, I know, I stink. I think Victor, Jenni, and El can back me on that! Last summer, us four would go play putt putt and consume raspas on Sunday afternoons. My friend Victor is too funny. Most of the time, he would treat. He would write an $8 check for all of us to play putt putt. Then, when we were done, he would always want another raspa, so he would write a $1 check for a stupid sno-cone!

I went through Fire Marshal training today. Yes, your humble narrator is the official fire marshal for the Scott & White Marcom department. I have to regularly check our area and observe a ton of state and national regulations. That will probably take a good chunk out of my day tomorrow. I have to arrange fire drills, inspect alarms and fire extinguishers and report to our safety department. The lady who trained me is also a skydiving instructor. She gave me a discount on lessons…. hmmmm. That could make for a good streaming video, eh?

Riley is definitely at home now – he’s back to his normal ways of sitting on my lap and licking my face while I’m at the computer. Our cat is weird. I think he takes after Elise. He eats Jell-O.

Shrimp po-boy, retreat at Ginny’s

I just made a killer, artery clogging shrimp po-boy. I took some really cheap, small cooked shrimp, seasoned and battered them.

Seasoning: seasoned salt, worcestershire, paprica, 1/2 lime
Batter: 3/4 Corona beer + 1 large fistful flour

Fried them in vegetable oil. Served them up on toasted French bread.

Sauce: 1 part ketchup, 1 part mayo, dash worcestershire.

I think I’ll add that to the Janicek restaurant’s lunch menu (whenever it opens!)

I had a full-day marketing department retreat at S&W’s CSO’s house today. I learned a lot and was able to present the Website’s redesign to the group.

I found out that Ginny (CSO) went to Le Cordon Bleu in London. I didn’t have much of a chance to pick her brain – I’ll get to that another time.

El has been in Austin all day (again). She went early so she could get everything up off of the floor so the maintenance guys could come and steam clean the carpet. El called me as I was leaving Ginny’s to tell me that they never showed. I rushed home and called the apartment complex. I think I scared the hell out of them. I told them that I wanted $25 cash (gas money for El driving to Austin) or my carpet cleaned. We’ll see.

Finally moved in

115-102 Dallas. The Mavs lead the series against Minnesota 3-0. Yeah!

El and I are finally moved in in Temple. We had movers move us yesterday. That’s made life so much easier. It took them 2 hours to load our stuff. It would have taken El and I at least 2 days. I have Scott & White to thank for the moving allowance!

Our apartment is actually cozy with most of our stuff. I thought I was going to be a big cluster. El and I decided to just start throwing stuff away or giving it to Goodwill. So now we don’t have as much junk!

I’m pretty much settled in… I’ve gotten to know Temple a little and feel pretty comfortable around here. I’m sure Elise will have to endure a small acclimation. The funniest thing is Riley. I’m sitting here in the new home office and I can see Riley sleeping on the patio. He was really stressed when we were tearing the Austin apartment apart. El brought him up last night and set him down in the living room. He sniffed around for a couple minutes, then just made this place home. He has all of his ‘stuff’ here, so I guess he doesn’t need much more.

I wonder if he’s going to miss his friends. In Austin, he had all of the neighborhood strays that he would talk to when he was on the patio. I haven’t seen many loose cats around here.


Mom and Dad called me tonight – It’s good to hear from them every once in a while and get a voice of reason. Sometimes I start thinking and get some preconceived notion in my head, then my parents call and put things into perspective. It’s those little, simple words of advice that make things seem not-so-bad. I’m lucky to have the parents that I have. I owe them a lot too. Between my wife and my parents, I’ll be in debt for the rest of my life!

I remember one time, when I was really little, I was asking my dad about his job. I think it was one of those days when I went to work with him. I don’t remember exactly how everything transpired, but I just remember my dad saying to me: “Josh, I just want you to do better than me.” Now that I think about that, I don’t know if that’s possible. My parents raised me to be a good person. I try my hardest to do the best that I can. I really hope I can live up to their expectations – more importantly, my own. I never did without as a child… but I still remember my dad saying what he did to me, and that pushes me that much harder… to provide for myself and my wife. I would love to be my dad. He’s my all-time hero.

Well, the countdown is pretty much up. El is coming up here tomorrow. She’s hauling a truckload in. I’m going to ride back to Austin with her tomorrow night and help pack. We have the movers coming in early Saturday morning. After the week that I’ve had, I’m really not looking forward to moving.

At least I’ll have El up here with me now. That will make life nicer for me. It’s kind of weird… I’ve gotten used to being up here alone – I have everything setup my way – I’ve gotten used to having no furniture, sleeping 1″ from the floor and eating Romen noodles. It’s going to be weird getting back to ‘normal’ life.

Well, it’s getting late… I have big day ahead of me tomorrow. I have to prepare for a ‘Retreat’ on Monday. Then I have to be prepped for moving this weekend. I’ll need an immediate weekend after this weekend! A good, long, mind clearing motorcycle ride is what I’ll need.

Dallas Mavericks, Brian, the neighbor

Woohoo… Go Mavericks. 2-0! I was kind of upset because the Mavs didn’t go further last year. Looks like they might have a chance this go-around. Sorry, the b-ball in me will start rearing its head now – tis that time of year. Of course, I’ll always be wearing my purple and yellow (Lakers). I really wish Houston would do something again. My interest in b-ball really started again in ’94 when Houston did so well. Now, as I grow older and ‘move on’, I get further and further away from Houston. First it was Cat Spring (an hour from Houston), then Austin (two hours from Houston), now Temple (don’t know how far – haven’t driven it yet), but I’ll still bleed red for the Rockets (assuming they’re still red… now I think it’s purple and black or something like that)

I finally hung out with one of my neighbors tonight. His name is Brian. He’s a huge Japanese-American military guy. He’s really nice. He came up to use my phone this evening. We wound up hanging around the balcony most of the night. He’s a tank commander – has to be at ‘work’ (he calls it playing) at 5 a.m. everyday. I finally had the opportunity to tell someone in the military that I appreciate what they do. It was good to be able to express that.

Brian always calls me ‘sir’. I’ve said ‘Hi’ in passing many times in the past 6 weeks that I’ve been here – and he always says “Hello Sir”. I appreciate that because I understand respect. I’m not saying that I’m better than him, I’d be willing to call him ‘sir’ as well. Hell, if anything, he’s probably more worthy of the title than I am. That’s just the TKD coming out in me.

I feel a lot better knowing that I now know someone in the building. Maybe now I can exercise my idea of sharing one Road Runner connection. I don’t know if Brian has a computer, but I’ve always thought that it would be so easy to run 100′ of Cat5 cable from my router to someone else’s apartment and split the broadband bill. Guess I’ll have to bring that up in our next meeting. Sorry Time Warner, but I own stock in you guys and it’s about time I get something back! – or just a less-expensive cable bill!

I really need sleep – I stayed up too late watching basketball. Elise called me early tonight. Today was her last day at Circle C. I told her she could take (needs) a little hiatus. She deserves it. I hope she can find a good job that will make her really happy and give her the opportunity to contribute her knowledge. I sometimes wish that I had everything in the world – I would give it all to my wife… just for being the person that she is. Actually, you couldn’t put a price on my wife… she’s the best thing in the world.